The Serious Open Source Webinar Series is comprised of free webinars that gather top global experts to share their knowledge and experiences in open source.
Webinar topics include:
Stay on the cutting edge by attending our webinar series, and expand your understanding of open source through lectures and Q&A sessions with the speakers.
Register for the Serious Open Source Webinar Series to get access to our upcoming live sessions and past recordings on-demand!
Webinar 2:
Open Source and Open RAN
To incubate new O-RAN standards and complement existing industry efforts, while enabling the deployment and successful adoption of related products and services, the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) launched a new Industry Connections (IC) activity. The goal of this IC is to develop a sustainable framework addressing the deployment, interoperability, configuration and fault management, and performance aspects of the O-RAN architecture.
Bringing key players across the world from industry, academia, and government, this webinar explores ways to accelerate research, development, and deployment of Open Source and O-RAN to support the telecommunications industry and beyond.
Webinar 3:
Open Source for Health and Wellness
New technologies and applications are being introduced into health care and life sciences at an astounding rate, but many barriers must be overcome for these to benefit patients and consumers. These barriers include data interoperability and protection, cost, and distribution.
This session will focus on core areas where Open Source technologies and technical standards can make a difference and lead to better efficiencies for farmers and overall wellness for patients and other stakeholders.
Webinar 4:
Open Source and Public Sector AI
While the mainstream audiences are gasping at the current hype cycle of generative AI, another more subtle evolution is happening within various public sectors globally.
To discuss and understand the current status quo and the future of open source AI models in the public sector we have invited four top global "hands-on experts of practice" from different countries and the Foundation for Public Code.
Webinar 5:
Open Source and AI - Ethics and Governance
This webinar aims to provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of the key ethical and governance considerations related to open source development in generative AI technologies and large language models.
Webinar 6
Open Source and Age Appropriate Design for Children
Participants will hear about practical aspects of making the digital world age-appropriate and how thoughtful technical approaches that leverage standardized processes and Open Source tools can enhance trustworthy online/offline experiences for children.
Speakers will discuss the background around age appropriate design, the role of the standard, and also the role that Open Source solutions can play in providing concrete tools for implementing the standard.
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