Quantum Standards & Activities

Helping enable quantum technologies for humanity.

Quantum information technology is an emerging field that is attracting attention from a variety of industries for a broad range of applications. The field includes quantum computing, communications, sensing, and other areas. The field has been identified as a priority for commercial and government purposes in and between many countries. As such, the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) facilitates the development of the quantum standards listed below.

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Featured Projects

IEEE P1913 Software-Defined Quantum Communication
This standard defines the Software-Defined Quantum Communication (SDQC) protocol that enables configuration of quantum endpoints in a communication network in order to dynamically create, modify, or remove quantum protocols or applications.
IEEE P1943 Standard for Post-Quantum Network Security
This standard defines a post-quantum optimized version of network security protocols. It is based on a multi-layer protocols approach and allows data packets to be quantum resistant to future cryptographically relevant quantum computers (CRQCs).
IEEE P2995 Trial-Use Standard for a Quantum Algorithm Design and Development
This trial-use standard defines a standardized method for the design of quantum algorithms. The defined methods apply to any type of algorithm that can be assimilated into quantum primitives and/or quantum applications. The design of the algorithms is done preceding quantum programming.
IEEE P3120 Standard for Quantum Computing Architecture
This standard defines technical architectures for a quantum computers based on the technological type (e.g., fault-tolerant universal quantum computing) and one or more qubit modalities (e.g., superconducting quantum processor). This standard defines architectures including the hardware (e.g., signal generator) and low-level software (e.g., quantum error correction) components of a quantum computer. The standard excludes any definition of a quantum circuit or algorithm.
IEEE P3172 Recommended Practice for Post-Quantum Cryptography Migration
This recommended practice describes multi-step processes that can be used to implement hybrid mechanisms (combinations of classical quantum-vulnerable and quantum-resistant public-key algorithms). Existing post-quantum cryptography (PQC) systems are described. Desired characteristics of the hybrid mechanisms, such as crypto agility are also described.
IEEE P3185 Standard for Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing
This standard defines the hardware and software architecture of hybrid quantum-classical computing environments. It specifies the interconnection between one or more quantum processor units (QPUs) and one or more central processing units (CPUs) and/or graphics processing units (GPUs) and/or tensor processing units (TPUs). This standard includes the definition of application programming interfaces (APIs) for optimal high-performance computing (HPC) and excludes any definition of classical (super) computers and quantum computers.
IEEE P3329 Standard for Quantum Computing and Simulation Energy Efficiency
This standard defines a universal energy efficiency for quantum computing and simulation. It compares the performance of the computation/simulation to its energy consumption, following the lines explored in [1,2]. Performance is defined either at the quantum level or at the end user level. The definition applies to all qubit technologies, including the classical and quantum control chain, to various quantum processors, both NISQ era and fault-tolerant, as well as to quantum simulators.
IEEE P7130 Standard for Quantum Technologies Definitions
This standard addresses quantum technologies specific terminology and establishes definitions necessary to facilitate clarity of understanding to enable compatibility and interoperability.
IEEE P7131 Standard for Quantum Computing Performance Metrics & Performance Benchmarking
The standard covers quantum computing performance metrics for standardizing performance benchmarking of quantum computing hardware and software. These metrics and performance tests include everything necessary to benchmark quantum computers (stand alone and by/for comparison) and to benchmark quantum computers against classical computers using a methodology that accounts for factors such as dedicated solvers.

Programs & Communities

Blue globe

IEEE Quantum Initiative

IEEE Quantum is an IEEE Future Directions initiative launched in 2019 that serves as IEEE’s leading community for all projects and activities on quantum technologies.

Learn More About the IEEE Quantum Initiative

Global collaboration

Quantum Education Portal

The Quantum Education Interest Group creates and curates educational materials suited for educational level ranges from STEM to post graduate and degree programs through night school.

Learn More About the Quantum Education Portal

Group team meeting

IEEE Quantum Podcast Series

Covering topics from quantum engineering to benchmarking, standardization, industry trends, and more, we provide you with access to the industry’s best of the best.

Listen to the IEEE Quantum Podcast Series

What is Quantum Entanglement?

Skip the heady and abstract physics lectures. Let’s talk about socks.

When pushed to explain why quantum computers can outspeed classical computers, stories about quantum computing often invoke a mysterious property called “entanglement.” Qubits, the reader is assured, can somehow be quantum mechanically entangled such that they depend on one another.

Read More About Quantum Entanglements

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