IEEE Metaverse Congress Bangalore
Monday, 6 February 2023
Indian Institute of Science
Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall (GJSH)
ECE Department
CV Raman Road
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Join us to hear from leading experts in the field about key questions such as how this technology is evolving, how can it be leveraged to augment business and personal environments, and what socio-technical and ethical questions have to be addressed to ensure that these technologies positively contribute to enhancing life and augmenting human experiences.
The Metaverse is the latest futuristic technology trend capturing public attention. It was also recently identified as the #1 Megatrend by the IEEE Future Directions Committee’s Industry Advisory Board, validating the strong interest from technical and industry communities.
Today, the Metaverse is like a magic word that inspires infinite imaginations of countless people from various professions and backgrounds. There are different Metaverses in the eyes of different people, but the biggest consensus on the Metaverse so far is that it will have a profound impact on our daily work, play, and life, across all industries and sectors, reshaping the economy and society for all humankind.
The IEEE Metaverse Congress, organized by IEEE Standards Association, is a series of sessions (hybrid) to provide a global and comprehensive view of the Metaverse.
Download the PDF of the presentations.
President, IEEE Standards Association
Co-Chair IEEE Blockchain Technical Community
Metaverse Practice Leader, Wipro Technologies
Founder at Lumos Labs
SVP & Head of Research & Innovation 5G Products, HFCL
Technical Architect, Nokia
Tejas Networks
Shri K. Rajaraman
Chairman DCC & Secretary(T),
Department of Telecommunications, Government of India
Training & Development
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